The system inserts default due dates for reviewers at two weeks after assignment and for the editor at four weeks after assignment (Figure 9). These target dates were selected on purpose.  We endeavor to provide prompt feedback to authors. Giving a longer review window does not generate better reviews, only delayed ones. Some reviewers will review their assignment within a days of assignment or after the first reminder.  Others will wait until their target due date is approaching or is past.  For this reason, we ask editors to look over the paper two weeks after the initial target dates for reviewers. If a reviewer asks for an extended date more than two weeks after the initial date, the editor can wait, but typically reviewers who will provide a review do so within two weeks after the initial reviewer due date.

The target dates can be extended, but be aware that they are used to keep the schedule from slipping too much.

The system uses these target due dates to schedule sending out reminders. If you change when items are due, be sure to change the date in the system.

The system also inserts the default maximum reviewers that you are allowed to assign at 6 (Figure 9), but you can change that default number.

Figure 9. Setting editor and reviewer due dates and number of reviewers

Click on the red SET EDITOR button at the bottom of the web page. Within a few hours, the system will email your letter to the editor who chairs the ad hoc paper review committee (the committee includes the editor and the paper’s reviewers). The system uses the due dates for the editor and the reviewers to send reminders.