Your role as an ISI reviewer is special – as a mentor, guide, and coach
The aim of academic peer review, in general, is to ensure the integrity and validity of research findings, and that the process used to reach those findings is rigorous. This review process is the main check we have that new scientific knowledge is honest, accurate, ethical, and has value, and so deserves publication. Peer reviewing provides quality assurance and ‘certifies’ the new knowledge.
Reviewing for ISI journals goes well beyond and above the role as referee. Your role also resolves to provide authors with constructive, mentoring feedback promptly. This approach endeavors to solve the problems that we see in other paper review processes where the publication decision can be painfully slow, and the review feedback too often is unhelpful, ambiguous, contradictory, or harshly expressed.
Together the Editors’ and Reviewers’ aim is to help authors improve their paper by providing all authors (but especially new researchers) with a supportive and encouraging review process that assists them in developing their research and writing skills.
You, as an ISI reviewer, play a central role in this process. Your job as a reviewer is challenging and ethical: to treat the author as you would like to be treated. You provide authors with courteous and constructive feedback on how to improve their submissions. You are a mentor for author colleagues.
Thank you for agreeing to serve in the role as mentor, guide, and coach.
Your Job as a Reviewer. In your role as an ISI journal Reviewer, you have these primary responsibilities:
- Promptly read the paper assigned to you and think about how the author might make it even better.
- Use the online review form to convey to the author (and the Editor) your thoughts, phrasing your constructive suggestions for the author as suggestions for improvements.
You are never all by yourself. When you have questions or concerns, contact the paper’s Editor. You can find details of the Editor in the assignment email you received.