Here is the current draft of the author submission agreement. Corresponding authors affirm when they submit their paper.

By submitting your manuscript to this Informing Science Institute Journal, you affirm the following:

  1. This paper is not currently under review by any other publication, and you (and any co-author) will not submit it to a different publication until the paper is either accepted for publication or rejected. I understand that violating this stipulation is professional misconduct.
  2. This paper does not contain plagiarized or copyrighted material. I understand that violating this stipulation is professional misconduct.
  3. I have read and followed all of the guidelines for papers submitted, including blinding the paper.
  4. I understand that by submitting my paper, I retain the copyright, but my paper will be published upon acceptance of my paper for publication under a Creative Commons By-NC license.
  5. If your paper is a re-submission, be sure to indicate this to the Editor-in-Chief with the old and the new paper ID.
  6. There is no publication fee for ISI members. If a paper is accepted for publication, the corresponding author needs to be (or become) an ISI member or pay the equivalent of a one-year membership fee.
  7. I have read, understand, and affirm adherence to the Informing Science Institute policy regarding professional ethics Statement on our Expectations: Professional Ethics and Malpractice including its policy on how ISI handles ethics violations. I have also read, understand, and agree to the ISI Privacy Policy.
  8. I affirm that this submission complies with all the requirements of my university or employer, including the agreement of any human research ethics committee.

Figure 39. Informing Science Institute Journal Submission Agreement