Wikipedia and other wikis
The title of the page is entered as the author element.
Enter the date of the version you used. Information in wikis changes, but some, such as Wikipedia, archive past versions. In Wikipedia, archived versions can be accessed by selecting the “View history” tab on the Wikipedia page. Enter the archived date for the version you used. If you are using a wiki that does not provide permanent links to archived versions of the page, enter (n.d.) as the date.
Enter “In” followed by the name of the wiki in italics. If you used an archived source, enter the URL for that work. If you did not use an archived source, enter the date retrieved and the URL.
How to have a fun, interesting conversation via text. (n.d.) In wikiHow. Retrieved March 26, 2020, from,-Interesting-Conversation-Via-Text
Informing science. (2019, January 13). In Wikipedia.